Welcome to The Illawarra Feltmakers. We meet on the first Saturday of the month at North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre from 10 till 3, March to November. If you want details please email-theillawarrafeltmakers@gmail.com

Sunday, 6 July 2014

5th South Coast Fiber Muster

The Illawarra Feltmakers will be hosting 5th South Coast Fiber Muster on the weekend of 2 and3 August 2014. At the Gerringong Town Hall in Fern St, Gerringong between 9am and 4pm each day.
There will be about twelve traders selling everything  a fibre love could need.
Fibre groups will be demonstrating giving advice and selling their creations. So there is something for the experienced as well as those just getting to know the magic of working with natural fibres.
Don’t forget the Tealicious Tea Cosy Competition. All entries must be delivered direct to the venue by 10.30 am on the Saturday


Monday, 17 March 2014

Black & Coloured Sheep Festival @ Robertson 5.4.2014

The Illawarra Feltmakers Inc have again been invited to be part of the Black & Coloured Sheep Breeders Annual Wool Festival. This is taking place on Saturday 5th April 2014 at the Robertson School of Arts Hall Illawarra Highway, Robertson.
It opens at 10.00 am and doors close at 2.30pm. Entry is free and tea and coffee etc will be available
As this date clashes with our first meeting day for the month of April, it has been decided that there will be no group meeting at ShellCove on the 5th April.
Instead, we hope you can join us at Robertson where we will be doing the usual felt ball making demonstrations and assisting with the fashion parade and generally doing our bit to help promote wool and its great uses.

A wonderful showcase our work will be available to view or buy.

This is a chance to purchase fleece, wool and woollen products as well as spinning and weaving supplies. There will also be the opportunity to join in the speed knitting competitions and view demonstrations.


Friday, 31 January 2014

Kiama Show TIF members results

Congratulations to TIF members Eleanor, Marilyn, Barbara with first place in the Kiama Show. Eleanor also took home the most successful felter.
Thanks to all our helper making felt balls with the children.