Welcome to The Illawarra Feltmakers. We meet on the first Saturday of the month at North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre from 10 till 3, March to November. If you want details please email-theillawarrafeltmakers@gmail.com

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Anita Larkin Workshop

Anita Larkin       Stacking Resists workshop
A workshop hosted by The Illawarra Feltmakers 
Date: 9th and 10th March 2013
9:30am to 4pm 
Shellcove Community Centre, Shellharbour

Stacking resists beside, as well as on top of each other, allows the felter a multitude of
possibilities for making innovative forms in 3 dimensions. Using resists in this way enables
intricate, complicated, and unusual shapes within your felting projects. This class will begin
with 2 small experiments on day 1, felting resists together in various ways to produce
shapes such as segmented seedpods, multi-chambered vessels and imaginary animals.
Students will then have the opportunity to further explore and develop their own projects
using these two methods on the second day. This can be a small wearable, sculptural
vessel, or sculpture. You will be amazed at the possibilities when stacking resists.

Members $200 /non members $250

For an enrolment form for this course, e-mail
theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au or phone (02) 42440371. 

Pictured below is Anita and two of examples what stacking resists can achive