Welcome to The Illawarra Feltmakers. We meet on the first Saturday of the month at North Kiama Neighbourhood Centre from 10 till 3, March to November. If you want details please email-theillawarrafeltmakers@gmail.com

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Craft like a Viking: felt making
National Maritime Museum, SydneySunday 24 November | a 3 hour workshop  9:30am -12;30pm and repeated at 2 pm - 5 pm
Join renowned artist Anita Larkin for an afternoon of felt making inspired by the traditions of Viking artisan crafts. Learn to create gorgeous felted accessories and sculptural forms. Includes afternoon tea.
Cost: $45 adults, $40 members/concessions. Includes museum entry and afternoon tea. All workshop materials provided. Bring an apron.
Book online here

Friday, 2 August 2013

Exhibition Feltportation August 14th to September 12th 2013

Feltportation Exhibition
Wednesday 14 August – Thursday 12 September 2013

FCA Gallery at the Faculty of Creative Arts, University of Wollongong
Faculty of Creative Arts, Upstairs in Building 25 University of Wollongong
Gallery will be open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.
An exhibition curated by Anita Larkin of 13 contemporary artists, who use felt in conceptual artworks, bringing an ancient craft into a modern context. Feltportation explores how felt can be used as an insulation material, allowing the transference or interference, of objects, materials, sound, warmth, and of spirit.
Felt is a material that has been used in nomadic cultures across the Asiatic steppe for centuries, and has been instrumental in the flow of people across these lands. Feltportation provides a platform for an exchange of ideas about the use of felt as a medium for contemporary artmaking, and how profoundly it can speak about our humanity, and the transference of objects, words, sound, and energy between us all.

  • Julie Brennan
  • Anna Gunnarsdottir
  • Brigitte Haldemann
  • Bettina Jacoby
  • Anita Larkin
  • Mollie Littlejohn
  • Catherine O'Leary
  • Jade Pegler
  • Donna Mckinnis /Giselle Penn
  • Giselle Penn
  • Sarah Louise Ricketts
  • Martien van Zuilen
  • Leiko Uchiyama
There will be a full colour catalogue printed of the works in this exhibition. If you are interested in purchasing a copy: theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Exhibition & Sale July 5th & 6th

The Illawarra Feltmakers have been invited to exhibit & demonstrate feltmaking with the Berry Spinners & Weavers.
Come along & enjoy lovely handmade wool garment ,articles & items.

Exhibition & Sale
Berry Spinners & Weavers
The Illawarra Feltmakers
July 5th 2013 10am – 4pm
 July 6th 2013 10am -3pm

Presbyterian Church Hall

Cnr Alexandria & Victoria St Berry

(next to  Berry School of Arts)

Gold coin entry -kids free


· theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au

· berryspinnersandweavers@gmail.com

· 4464 3081 or 42440371 


Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Exhibition Opens today

The Illawarra Feltmakers exhibition - Ebb Tide opens today.
The official opening is this Friday night at 6.00pm with light refreshments served with all welcome.

Shellharbour Village
Exhibition Space
Wentworth St Shellharbour Village NSW

Official Opening 6.00pm
10am 4pm

· theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au
· Eleanor Brash 42440371

Here is a sneak peek

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Sheep Making

Thanks to all the Illawarra Feltmakers who turned up to make sheep.
To celebrate Wool Week 2013 & in support for the "Campaign for Wool" we made felted sheep.
The sheep will be on display at the 12th Southern Hemisphere felting convergence in Sept 2013.
They may also turn up at our other events like our Exhibition in June.

Ebb Tide Exhibition
5th June 13  - 16th June 13
Shellharbour Village
Exhibition Space
Wentworth St
Shellharbour Village NSW
· theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au
Sheep in progress

Lots of lovely Merino wool going into sheep

half a sheep

lamb in progress

mohair curls on Merino wool


Friday, 26 April 2013

Sheep Making 4th May 2013

Group Activity

On Saturday 4th May we’re doing a group activity to celebrate 'Campaign for Wool' in Wool Week.
We’re making felt sheep that will adorn the grounds during Convergence. This flock is then likely to follow us to the many TIF events throughout the year.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Robertson Wool Festival Day 6.4.2013

Come along & see us at the Robertson Wool Festival
The South Coast & Southern Tablelands Region of the Black & Coloured Sheep Breeder's Association of NSW Inc, will be holding their 32nd Annual Wool Festival Day from 10.00am to 2.30pm this Saturday 6th April

During the day there will be top quality natural coloured and white sheep fleeces for sale, as well as a number of traders selling their woollen products, spinning and weaving supplies. For entertainment there will be a Fashion Parade and Speed Knitting competition.

Members are only too happy to assist anyone in the fields of sheep breeding, fleece quality, spinning and weaving etc. So please feel free to spend the day with us and enjoy the fun. Tea and coffee, etc, will be available on the day. Entry is free.

Where: Robertson School of Arts, Illawarra Highway, Robertson
Information: 04 2760 0528

Royal Easter Show 2013

All the entries were excellent, so it is with pleasure that we congratulate Melinda, Barbara
and Eleanor on their success. The pictures  illustrate the very high standards that all the beautiful
articles were competing against.There is something very special about a purple lizard!


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Anita Larkin Workshop

Anita Larkin       Stacking Resists workshop
A workshop hosted by The Illawarra Feltmakers 
Date: 9th and 10th March 2013
9:30am to 4pm 
Shellcove Community Centre, Shellharbour

Stacking resists beside, as well as on top of each other, allows the felter a multitude of
possibilities for making innovative forms in 3 dimensions. Using resists in this way enables
intricate, complicated, and unusual shapes within your felting projects. This class will begin
with 2 small experiments on day 1, felting resists together in various ways to produce
shapes such as segmented seedpods, multi-chambered vessels and imaginary animals.
Students will then have the opportunity to further explore and develop their own projects
using these two methods on the second day. This can be a small wearable, sculptural
vessel, or sculpture. You will be amazed at the possibilities when stacking resists.

Members $200 /non members $250

For an enrolment form for this course, e-mail
theillawarrafeltmaker@westnet.com.au or phone (02) 42440371. 

Pictured below is Anita and two of examples what stacking resists can achive


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Kiama Show 2013

In what is becoming a traditional start for our New Year activities, The Illawarra Feltmakers were at the Kiama Show in January.  As always, our aim is to introduce felt making to children, even grown up children for that matter. We demonstrated felt ball making to the joy of many children. A big thank you to our demonstrators, who enjoy sharing felt ball making.

Not to be forgotten is the competition aspect of the show. We had several of our members submit entries, in the felting categories. As we sponsor one of the awards, it would was wonderful to see The Illawarra Feltmakers representation. Congratulations to Robyn& Bo who took home first prizes.

We’ve many talented members and shows such as Kiama Agricultural Show are a wonderful way to bring your work to the attention of the wider community.

Photos of the Spinning Weaving & Felting in the Pavilion